Rediscovering myself via learning code (My intro)

Happy New Years 2021!!!

At the time of this writing, it is January 1, 2021. Happy New Years to everyone reading this article. I have never written a blog in my entire life, but there is always a first time for everything. I wanted to start this article by formally introducing myself, allowing other developers to get to know me. I understand that the intent of this platform is geared towards developers specifically. I am not officially a developer. Currently, I am a developer in the making, so I thought it would be appropriate to start blogging via Hashnode.

Hello everyone. My name is Jonathan and I'm an software developer in the making. I graduated in October 2020 with a Master in Information Systems Management. Several classes rekindled my desire to go deeper into learning to code, and I chose TeamTreehouse. I'm thrilled with the decision.

My 2021 goals are the following:

  • Build up mastery of fundamentals of front-end web development slowly. This goal aims to increase and strengthen my knowledge, skills, and abilities to reach my potential as a future Software Developer in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ruby, and Python.

  • Complete the Front-End Web Design Techdegree and then complete the Full Stack JavaScript Techdegree.

The ubiquitous social media stuff:

  • Here is my LinkedIn Profile, so let's connect.

  • Check out my Twitter.

  • My Profile continually changes as I learn new things. So many iterations will occur based on the more I learn regarding coding.

I love all professional sports. My favorite is the NFL, and I am a diehard Dallas Cowboys fan.

I'm also passionate about all things data science and data analytics. My graduate degree's specialization is in Business Intelligence. These courses taught me to appraise data applications' current landscape and forecast their evolution while communicating big data as a concept and its place in today's business environment. I learned how web scrape sites using the R scripting language, harness the data into visualizations via Power BI, and all things data. I believe that data can tell a story.

Here's the caveat with blogging. I work full time, have a family, and learning how to code; therefore, I have minimal free time to write stuff. I have a personal goal to write at least once a week and talk about my coding journey and everything in between. Until then, please stay safe, wear your mask, practice social distance, and keep coding.